

scientific advisor
Brief description of the main scopes

Environmental influences on cellular and molecular mechanisms of memory formation

There is an ever-growing field of research involved in memory formation using a wide variety of approaches, from single cell recordings to studies of behaving animals and humans. In my laboratory we use a top-down approach, whereby we study learning in the intact animal and then look at the changes occurring at the level of neural circuits and individual cells. The use of the simple and well characterised model system of the pond snail (Lymnaea stagnalis) provides us with the opportunity to directly relate changes at the level of individual, identified neurons to the behaviour of the whole animal. Based on a wide range of our studies I have recently started to focus on the effect of environmental factors, more specifically naturally occurring alga toxins (cianotoxins) on the nervous system. In collaboration with Dr Zsolt Pirger, this work is part of the NAP3.0 project.

My research so far has been concentrated on two areas: the neural mechanisms of decision-making and the processes underlying periods of lapses in memory. Our findings have major implications for current models of decision-making at the level of neuronal circuits and on the understanding of how periods of lapses can have an adaptive function in memory consolidation. One of the major impacts of our work is that by characterising novel mechanisms of neuronal plasticity it can provide possible targets for therapeutic interventions. We also use computational techniques to influence the operation of specific cells and circuits, which can be utilized in the fast-developing field of robotics.  


List of publications related to earlier studies in the field of ecology

  • Roper T.J. & Kemenes I. (1997) Effect of blocking of entrances on the internal environment of badger Meles meles setts. Journal of Applied Ecology, 34, 1311-1319.
  • Kemenes I. & Demeter A. (1995) A predictive model of the effect of environmental factors on the occurrence of otters (Lutra lutra L.) in Hungary. Hystrix. 14, 23-31.
  • Kemenes I. (1995) Wild otters: Predation and populations - Kruuk, H. Animal Behaviour 50, 1705-1706.
  • Kemenes I. & Demeter A. (1994) Single and multi-variant analysis of the effects of environmental factors on the occurrence of otters (Lutra lutra) in Hungary. Annals hist.-nat. Mus. Natn. Hung. 86, 133-138.
  • Kemenes I. (1991) Otter distribution, status and conservation problems in Hungary. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, 6, 20-24.
  • Nechay G., Kemenes I. & Tömösváry T. (1990) Fischotter-kartierung im Österreich-Ungarischen Grenzgebiet (1988-1989).  Forschungsgemeinschaft Auenzentrum Petronell und Forschungsinstitut WWF Österreich. 1, 6-9.
  • Kemenes I. & Nechay G. (1990) The food of otter (Lutra lutra L.) in different habitats in Hungary. Acta Theriologica 35, 17-24.
  • Kemenes I. (1989) A comparative study on the food composition of otters (Lutra lutra  L.) at lakes and fish-ponds in Hungary. In: Populationökologie marderartiger Säugetiere. Ed. M. Stubbe. pp. 77-88. Halle: Wiss. Beitr. Univ. Halle. 


Major grants in the past 10 years:


2018 - 2019 Brighton – Sussex Collaborative Research Fund (PI) £ 9,365

2017 - 2021 BBSRC Research Grant (PI) £ 857,094

2015 - 2016 Research Development Fund (PI) £ 35,000

2013 - 2016 BBSRC Research Grant (PI) £ 661,597

2010 - 2013 BBSRC Research Grant (Co-I), £ 1,120,045

Main profile in keywords
invertebrate neurobiology, learning and memory, neuronal networks
Selected publications
Crossley M, Benjamin PR, Kemenes G, Staras K, Kemenes I. (2023):
Science Advances 9(12):eadd3403. - IF: 14.98 [D1]
Kemenes G, Benjamin PR, Kemenes I. (2022):
Front Behav Neurosci. 16:1005867. - IF: 4.617 [Q1]
Pirger Z, László Z, Naskar S, Crossley M, O'Shea M, Benjamin PR, Kemenes G, Kemenes I. (2021):
Current Biology 31(8):1754-1761.e3 - IF: 10.9 [D1]
Crossley M, Lorenzetti FD, Naskar S, O'Shea M, Kemenes G, Benjamin PR, Kemenes I. (2018):
Communications Biology 26;2:242 - IF: 6.548 [D1]
Pirger Z, Crossley M, László Z, Naskar S, Kemenes G, O'Shea M, Benjamin PR, Kemenes I (2014):
Current Biology, 24(18):2215. - IF: 9.571 [D1]
Pirger Z., Naskar S., László Z., Kemenes G., Reglődi D., Kemenes I. (2014):
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci (2014) 69(11):1331-8. - IF: 6.591 [D1]
Marra V, O'Shea M, Benjamin PR, Kemenes I. (2013):
Nature Communications 4:1578. - IF: 10.742 [D1]
Kemenes I, Marra V, Crossley M, Samu D, Staras K, Kemenes G, Nowotny T. (2011):
Nature Protocols 6(3):405-417 - IF: 9.924 [D1]
Kemenes I, Straub VA, Nikitin ES, Staras K, O'Shea M, Kemenes G, Benjamin PR. (2006):
Curr Biol. 16:1269-79 - IF: 10.988 [D1]