G-Tóth László

László G-TÓTH, DSc

scientific advisor
+36 87 448-244 / 105
Brief description of the main scopes

ELKH Centre for Ecological Research, Balaton Limnological Institute

Sustainable Ecosystems Research Group, ÖK GINOP

General Limnology Research Group, ÖK BLI

Klebelsberg Kuno str. 3., Tihany




E-mail: g-toth.laszlo@ecolres.hu

Office Phone: +36 87 448-244 / 105; +36 30 916 2238

Private Phone: +36 70 834 2202


Home address: Szent Donát str. 5., Csopak, 8229 Hungary


MTMT: https://m2.mtmt.hu/gui2/?type=authors&mode=browse&sel=10001199

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=OQRo_uMAAAAJ&hl=hu


Brief description of the main scopes: László G. Tóth (26.05.1954. Budapest) Hungarian research biologist, university professor, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Fields of research: limnology, oceanology, aquatic ecology, production and decomposition of the biomass, feeding biology and metabolism of the marine and freshwater zooplankton, water qaulity protection, environmental policy

Education, grades and titles:

2010 – University Professor appointed by the President of Hungary, Szent István University, 08.02.2010 (Gödöllő);

 2004 – Habilited Doctor (Dr. Habil.), University of Pannonia (Veszprém), No.: 2/2004;

 2003 - Doctor in Science (D.Sc.), Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest), No.: 4.215;

 1989 - Candidate for the Science (Ph. D.), Hungarian Committee of Scientific Qualifications (Budapest), No.: 12.825;

 1980 - Doctor Rerum Naturalium, Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest): No.: ELTE-D-2.390/1979;

 1974 – 1979: Certified biologist, Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest), No.: 655/1979; Reg. No.: V-77/974-75


Language skills:

State Intermediate Examination Certificate in Russian, Center for Foreign Language Training (Budapest), No.: 021946/1982;

State Intermediate Examination Certificate in English, Center for Foreign Language Training (Budapest), No.: 025228/1989;

Basic Language Exam Certificate in Japanese, Shinshu University, Matsumoto, Japan, 21.12.1995


Academic appointments in Hungary:

2013-2019: Director of the Balaton Limnological Institute, Centre for Ecology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Tihany);

2011 - 2012: Founder and Head of the Unit of the Tisza-River Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Ecology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Tihany);

2009 – 2011: Secretary General Founding Commissioner of the Tisza River Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest-Tihany);

2004 – 2013: Leader of the Zooplankton – Periphyton Research Group, Balaton Limnological Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Science (Tihany);

2003 - Scientific advisor, Balaton Limnological Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Science (Tihany);

1990 – 2003: Senior scientific research worker, Balaton Limnological Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Science (Tihany);

1982 – 1990: Scientific research worker, Balaton Limnological Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Science (Tihany);

1979 – 1982: Assistant scientific research worker, Balaton Limnological Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Science (Tihany)


Fellowships, appointments abroad, international assignments abroad (longer than 3 months):

2010 – 2011: Secretary of State expert, mandate: coordinating the drafting of a common resolution on the protection of the biological diversity of the European inland waters among the member states of the European Union, and representing the same at the Conference of the Parties of the UN International Convention on Biological Diversity (ICBD) during the Belgian-Hungarian-Spanish triple presidency (Ministry of Environmental Protection and Water Affairs, Budapest);

2004 – 2006: "National Detached Expert" at the European Commission DG - JRC, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Inland and Marine Waters Unit, European Ecological Water Quality and Intercalibration Group (Ispra, Italy), activity: coordination of the intercalibration exercise of the national ecological water quality systems of the Central-Baltic Intercalibration Group (Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom) for the European Water Framework Directive;

2002 – 2003: National representative at the EC Management Committee on Marine Pollution (European Commission, Brussels and Ministry of Environmental Protection and Water Affairs, Budapest), mandate: representing expert opinions on draft regulations at EU level on marine pollution by major European rivers and local accidents;

2001 – 2002: Visiting researcher of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Institute of Geoscience, Shizuoka University (Shizuoka), Japan Agency of Marine-Earth Science and Technology (Yokoshuka), acitvity: exploration of the creators and investigation of their orgnization in the hyper thermophylic ecosystems of the deep-sea hydrothermal vents of the Pacific-Ocean;

1999: Visiting researcher, Leibniz-Institut für Gawässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (Berlin, Germany), activity: investigation of the feeding of freshwater copepods on protozoans and rotifers, Müggelsee, Heiligensee;

1993 – 1997: Professeur invité temporaire l´ Université de Rennes 1, Laboratoire de Physiologie Cellulaire (Rennes, France), activity: teaching and supervising of PhD themes on the field of embryonic and early larval development of fish;

1994 – 1996: Postdoctoral fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Shinshu University, School of Allied Medical Sciences (Matsumoto, Japan), activity: investigation of the trophyc connections of the plankton, and adaptation of the DNA hybridization method for protozoans and rotifers, Lake Kizai, moat of Matsumoto Samuray Castle;

1991 – 1992: Postdoctoral fellow of the Ministry of Education and Culture in France, l´ Université de Rennes 1, Laboratoire de Physiologie Cellulaire (Rennes, France), acitivity: investigation of the effect of enironmental factors on the efficiency of fertilization, and the embryonic and larval develpoment of fish;

1985-1986: Expert participation on the 43rd voyage of the r/v Academik Kurcsatov in the frame of the CMEA-project of „Biological production of the South Atlantic-Ocean ”, coordinated by the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of RAS (Moscow, Russia), activity: investigation of the selective food ingestion and utilization of planktonic copepods and krill (Euphausia superba Dana) in the Drake Passage, Bransfield Strait (Antarctica), and Benguela-upwelling (Guinea-Bay, South-West Africa);

1983 and 1984: Severtsov Institute for Evolutionary Morphology and Animal Ecology, Russian Academy of Sciences, laboratory of Prof. A. Svehnikov (Moscow, Russia), supported by the Conventional Exchange Programme between The Hungarian Acadademy of Sciences and The Russian Academy of Sciences, activity: electron microscopic studies on morphology of oral and gastrointestinal tract of copepodes;

1988 – 2010: Editorial board member of the JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH (Oxford Univ. Press).


Fields of Research:

 Plankton ecology, planktonic food webs, population dinamics, production and feeding biology of freshwater and marine zooplankton (G.-Tóth 1992; G.-Tóth et al. 1986, 1987; Drits et al. 1991; G.-Tóth and Kato 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, Szalontai et al. 2003, Parpala et al. 2003, G.-Tóth et al. 2011, Baranyai et al. 2011, Forró et al. 2017, see:  https://m2.mtmt.hu/gui2/?type=authors&mode=browse&sel=10001199);

 Respiratory metabolism of organisms of plankton, sediment, biofilm and fish larvae and estimation of their minimal energy demand for existing, developing and growth (see G.-Tóth 1993, 1999; G.-Tóth et al. 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2011, see: https://m2.mtmt.hu/gui2/?type=authors&mode=browse&sel=10001199);

 Effect of natural and anthropogenous environmantal factors (e.g. temperature, pH, turbidity, turbulence, nutrients, UVB-radiation, agricultural chaemicals, human-origined micropollutants) on the metabolism and development of  planktonic and benthic organisms and fish larvae, and on the mineralization of the dead organisms (G.-Tóth 1993, 1999; G.-Tóth and Zlinszky 1989,G.-Tóth et al. 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999; Szalontai et al. 2003, Pirger et al. 2010, 2015, Avar et al. 2016, see: https://m2.mtmt.hu/gui2/?type=authors&mode=browse&sel=10001199);

 Management of the protection of aquatic environments in European and national scales, expertise, consulting, environmental policy (Nöges et al. 2005, G.-Tóth 2008, G.-Tóth et al. 2008, Solheim et al. 2008, lásd: https://m2.mtmt.hu/gui2/?type=authors&mode=browse&sel=10001199);


Research projects (leader, participant):

2016 – 2020: „Sustainable operation of ecosystems - with discoveries to reduce the impact of the climate change, land use and invasion of alien species” – Supported by GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00019, participant;

2012 – 2015: "Complex examination of the human impact on the environment and the related social conflicts in the case of a sensitive geographical area of a shallow lake (Lake Balaton)". - Supported by TÁMOP-4.2.2. A-11/1/KONV-2012-0038, participant;

2012 – 2015: "Regional impacts of extremes due to climate change and possibilities of mitigation". – Supported by TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0064; participant;

2011 – 2013: "The habitat, population, reproduction and genetic variability of the Asian carps in Lake Balaton" -Supported by the Hungarian National Scientific Research Found (OTKA), participant;

2010 – 2013: "Conservation of the endangered biodiversity in the Pannonian ecoregion: ecological, morphological and genetic diversity assessment in sanctuary and impacted habitat complexes" - Supported by the Hungarian National Scientific Research Found (OTKA), participant;

2009 – 2010: "Dynamism of the zooplankton of Lake Balaton" - Supported by The Balaton Secretariat of the Office of the Prime Minister of Hungary (MEH) and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), lead resercher;

2009 – 2010: "Investigation of the invertebrate fauna of Lake Balaton" - Supported by The Balaton Secretariat of the Office of the Prime Minister of Hungary (MEH) and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), lead reserher;

2009 – 2012: "The relationships between the physico-chemical parameters and the function of invertebrate fauna in shallow lakes" – Research cooperation between the Balaton Limnological Reserch Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Tihany), and the Biological Institute of the Romanian Academy (Bucharest), lead researher;

2009 – 2011: "Extensive public dissemination of the results of the research of Lake Balaton, extention of the results to other water bodies, and facilitate the application of the results in business and higher education" – Supported by TÁMOP-4.2.3-0, participant;

2004 – 2008: "Effect of turbulence on the structure and function of the zooplankton in Lake Balaton"– Supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Found (OTKA), lead researher;

2004 – 2007: "Effect of the water level fluctuation on the littoral morphology and the sessile and planktonic invertebrates in Lake Balaton" – Supported by "BALÖKO – NKFP 3/B" Program; lead researcher;

2000 – 2004: „Role of the planktonic and benthic crustaceans and molluscs in the elimination of the phytoplankton in Lake Balaton” - Supported by The Balaton Secretariat of the Office of the Prime Minister of Hungary (MEH), lead researcher;

2000 – 2003: „Population dinamics, feeding, propagation and respiration of the zooplankton and sessile crustaceans in Lake Balaton” - Supported by the Hungarian National Scientific Research Found (OTKA), lead researher;

1996 – 2006: „The structural aspects of zooplankton community in lentic ecosystems (Lake Balaton, Danube Delta)” – Long-term research cooperation between the Balaton Limnological Reserch Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Tihany), and the Biological Institute of the Romanian Academy (Bucharest), lead resercher;

1999: "Role of the crustacean communities in the elimination of the phytoplankton and the food supply of fish in Lake Balaton” – Supported by The Balaton Secretariat of the Office of the Prime Minister of Hungary (MEH), lead researcher;

1996 – 1998: „Feeding efficiency of the herbivorous zooplankton in shallow lakes” – „Pro Natura Project”, Supported by The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS, Japan), lead researcer

1995 – 1998: „Study of the impacts of pollution agents of anthropogenic origin (e.g. Deltamethrin, Permethrin, acidification) on the embryonic development of fish living in Lake Balaton” –  Supported by The Balaton Secretariat of the Office of the Prime Minister of Hungary (MEH), lead researcher;

1995 – 1998: „Study of the influence of the euthrophication on the matter-energy flux of the zooplankton and the Amphipoda Corophium curvispinum in Lake Balaton” - Supported by The Balaton Secretariat of the Office of the Prime Minister of Hungary (MEH), lead researcher;

1993 – 1996: „Study of the impact of the environmental factors on the respiration and respiratory electron transport system-activity of embryos and early larval stages of fish” –Supported by the „Balaton" Intergovernmental Project, OMFB-APAPE , France-Hungary, lead researcher;

1991 – 1994: „Studies on the energy transfer and energy loss along the limnetic food web in Lake Balaton (Hungary) and Lake La Caldera (Sierra Nevada, Spain). - Supported by the Hungarian National Scientific Research Found (OTKA), and "The Open Society Foundation" (Prague & Budapest), lead researcher;

1990 – 1991: Enzyme kinetical studies on the self-purification capacity of lacustrine ecosystems in Hungary (Lake Balaton, Lake Hidvég, peat bogs)” – Supported by The Hungarian Academy of Sciences ("HAS Project for young researchers"), lead resercher.


Higher educational activities, institutions:

2019 – University professor, education, supervision in BSc, MSc, PhD levels, University of Pannonia, Faculty of Engineering, Institute of Environmental Sciences (Veszprém, Hungary);

2017 – University professor, education, supervision in BSc, MSc, PhD levels, University of Pécs, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Institute of Biology (Pécs, Hungary);

2015 -  University professor, education and supervision in BSc, MSc, PhD levels, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Faculty of Csikszereda (Csíkszereda, Romania);

2010 – 2019: University professor, education, supervision in BSc, MSc, PhD levels, Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Institute of Regional Economy and Rural Development, core member of the Enyedi György Doctoral Scool (Gödöllő);

1993 – 2010: Lecturer, education, supervision in BSc, MSc, PhD levels University of Debrecen, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology, core member of the Juhász-Nagy Pál Doctoral School (Debrecen, Hungary);

2000 - 2004: Lecturer, education in BSc and MSc levels, University of Pannonia, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Limnology (Veszprém, íhunragy);

1993 – 1997: Professeur invité temporaire l´ Université de Rennes 1, Laboratoire de Physiologie Cellulaire, Rennes, France), activity: teaching and supervising of PhD themes


LECTURER on the following subjects:

- Feeding biology and metabolism of the zooplankton;

- Planktonic food web interactons in lakes and rivers, biomanipulation;

- Hydrobiology;

- Oceanology;

- History of the deep sea research;

- Deep sea biology;

- Plankton research;

- Planktonic trophic interactions;

- The European Water Framework Directive, intercalibration, implementation, practice;

- Envionmental policy



 2006: „JRC-Prize 2006 for the significant promotion of the EU-policy”, EC-DG JRC (Brussels);

2012: „Szent István Lecture”, Szent István University (Gödöllő, Hungary)


Selected publications:

Bernát G, Boross N, Somogyi B, Vörös L, G.-Tóth L and Gergely Boros G. (2020): Oligotrophication of Lake Balaton over a 20-year period and its implications for the relationship between phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass, HYDROBIOLOGIA, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10750-020-04384-x

Strayer DL, Adamovich B, Adrian R, David C, Balogh Cs, Burlakova LE, Fried P, Hannah B, G.-Tóth L, Heterington A L, Jones TS et al. (2019): Long-term population dynamics of dreissenid mussels (Dreissena polymorpha and D. rostriformis): a cross-system analysis. ECOSPHERE 10 (4): 22 p.

Forró L, Nédli J, Csata E, Krízsik V, Balogh Cs, G.-Tóth L (2017): Morphometric characteristics and COI halotype diversity of Arctodiaptomus spinosus (Copepoda) populations in soda pans in Hungary ACTA BIOLOGICA HUNGARICA 68(3): 279-298.

Avar P, Maasz G, Takács P, Lovas S, Zrinyi Z, Svigruha R, Takátsy A, Tóth LG, Pirger Z (2016): HPLC-MS/MS analysis of steroid hormones in environmental water samples DRUG TEST ANAL 8 (1):124-8.

Yamamoto H, Maruyama T, G.-Tóth L, Kato K, Furushima Y, Taira N, Maeda Y, Shitashima K (2015): In situ determination of bacterial growth in mixing zone of  hydrothermal vent field on the Hatoma Knoll, Southern Okinawa Trough, In: Ishibashi J, Okino K, Sunamura M (Eds): Subseafloor Biosphere Linked to Hydrothermal Systems, SPRINGER VERLAG New York, Heidelberg, London Ltd: 434-447.

G.-Tóth L, Parpala L, Balogh Cs, Tátrai I, Baranyai E (2011): Zooplankton community response to enhanced turbulence generated by water-level decrease in Lake Balaton, the largest shallow lake in Central Europe, LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY 56(6): 2211-2222.

Baranyai E, G.-Tóth L (2010): The influence of turbulence on vertical distribution of zooplankton in shallow, kinetic Lake Balaton (Hungary), VERHANDLUNGEN DER INTERNATIONALE VEREINIGUNG FÜR THEORETISCHE UND ANGEWANDTE LIMNOLOGIE 30 (10): 1505-1508.

G.-Tóth L, Poikane S, Penning W, Free G, Mäemets H, Kolada A, Hanganu J (2008): First steps in the Central-Baltic intercalibration exercise on lake macrophytes: where do we start? AQUATIC ECOLOGY 42 (2): 265-275.

Solheim, AL, Rekolainen S, Moe SJ, Carvalho L, Phillips G, Ptacnik R, Penning WE, G.-Tóth L, O'Toole C, Schartau AKL et al. (2008): Ecological threshold responses in European lakes and their applicability for the Water Framework Directive (WFD) implementation: synthesis of lakes results from the REBECCA project, AQUATIC ECOLOGY 42(2): 317-334.

G-Tóth L, Langó Zs, Padisák J, Varga E (1994): Terminal electron transport system (ETS)-activity in the sediment of Lake Balaton, Hungary, HYDROBIOLOGIA 281(3):129-139.

G.-Tóth L (1992): Limiting effect of abioseston on food ingestion, postembryonic development time and fecundity of daphnids in Lake Balaton (Hungary), JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH 14 (3): 435-446.

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